Compresed Air Engine

This was supposed to be an Apetonic project, but my Partners decided to drop it into the trashcan. So, it is here. The idea is not new, but, in my opinion, worth at least a few lines in this junk repository.

The aim is to build compressed air engine and then create very economic, small car using it. The closest implementation, I have found, is here: Do not wanna write about the whole thing again. Please, read good descriptions at TheAirCar site.

Such an engine / a car would be very economic, zero-pollution, low-noise, low-cost. Of course, it would be low-speed, low-power, low-distance and so on, but these days, when oil prices skyrocket, advantages definitely outnumber disadvantages.

The question is: why fights so hard? Why there are no real investors there? Why so few in the world pick up this, obvious it seems, topic? I probably do not know / see something obvious (TheAirCar inventors do not know / see either) – what is it?

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